Our Projects

Interfaith dialogue

Interfaith dialogue is conducted regularly every month. We will facilitate for the implementation of this program by involving academicians, social and religious experts, the Forum for Religious Harmony (FKUB) as well as various elements of society, especially from academia. As our commitment to interfaith dialogue at certain eventual moment, we tried to invite the expert scholars who are really able to provide significant inspirations in an effort to build a harmony in society.

Interfaith dialogue as the main program will both be held on campus and among campus level. The main target or participants of the dialog program is academics, students, as well as the experts: we are open for the public in general on the development of the next program.

Visit House of Praying
Visits to places of worship in Malang will be held on a regular basis in an effort to understand each other about religious elements around us; the places of worships are as the main bases or sources of the elements of the religions. As a center of religious study and worship, the visit should be able as media to empower our concern and respect each other as people who live side by side.

Campuses Religion-based Organizations Conference
Conference on religion-based organizations on various campuses in Malang will be held as an effort to consolidate the strengthening in searching the common ground in society diversity. Through this conference, it is expected as a media for the aspirations of the communities, as well as a forum to share ideas in relation to the movement of the organizations. The main objective is to reduce the distance and frictions within the religion diversity that is not mutually exclusive; but we prefer to build hand-in-hand cooperation, to pursue mutual understanding and discuss the legal aspects of government policy related to religious harmony, discusses the development of socio-religious issues in Malang and Indonesia, and so forth.

This agenda will be held at least once in 2 months. By considering the establishment of communication and cooperation is good, the religion-based organizations conference in Malang campuses will be held alternately between the campus and the other one. The program was first held at the campus of State University of Malang in March 2012, held at Library Hall, State University of Malang.

Media and Publications
The program later as a follow-up of the program that existed before, both inter-religious dialogues, the conference of religious organizations, visits to houses of worship, public discussion, and so forth. This publication is as a result of a work of scientific studies that can provide accurate information in the form of accessible academic and scientific journals, popular works, articles, and blogs.

Community service engagement
This interfaith community will also be able to play an active role toward any social activities of humanity in Malang. Participation may be direct involvement as volunteers or committees, ideas or solutions empowerment, as well as a consolidation and network optimization to other communities.

Moreover, the community engagement will also cover the networking and cooperation with other interfaith communities in Malang and also in major cities in Indonesia.

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